Fake it 'til you
make it.

Fake it 'til you
make it.


i'm a

content maker/
css and html coder/
also draw a litte

1984 年生,台灣新竹芎林客家人,除此之外很難被分在哪一類,也正好不喜歡被歸類。

花了十年在大學與研究所裡修行電視、電影等影音內容產製。實驗短片、劇情短片作品曾在世界各地參賽、映演。2012 年拍攝、2015 年完成的劇情短片《辦桌》,改編奶奶的故事並融合了在地文化與宗教命題,獲金穗獎一般類首獎、城市遊牧影展首獎、台灣國際女性影展評審團特別獎,以及愛丁堡 UnDependence 影展新星獎。



Born in 1984, Hsin-Wei is a native Hakka from HsinChu, Taiwan. It’s hard to classify Hsin-Wei into any specific genre. Luckily, Hsin-Wei hates being classified.

Hsin-Wei spent 10 years in college and grade school majoring video/film production. Her experimental and narrative short films were screening around the world. She’s the Grand Prize Winner of both Golden Harvest Film Festival and Urban Nomad Film Festival with the narrative short film “Pan Zhog” adapted from her grand mother’s story.

Overlapped another 10 years in her career focused on content making. Setting communication as the highest priority, she worked cross-borderly with graphics, video and motion graphics as medium, transforming complicated information into understandable contents for everyone.

find me

weispa at gmail dot com


web pages

Content planning and copywriting. Text were then handed to designer making them gorgeously visualized and back. Matching the style with code is so much fun! Also, I built this site by myself from scratch.



Narrative/non-narrative, animation, branding promo or documentary... I make whatever meets the core. ‪I’m a creator, and very good at creating things.‬

project waterpipe

Due to a rare spike in domestic pandemic cases, The CECC announced the nationwide Level 3 alert for COVID-19 since May 14, 2021. I decided to start one thing that I've longed to do but have no time or limited motivation in the past: Learn to draw.


Copyright © 2025 Adi Ayi